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Welcome to Black Hill Systems, LLC

Black Hill Systems, LLC is a service group specializing in developing data storage solutions, analysis, and reporting tools. We are a collaborative effort of software engineers and scientists providing systems and software engineering, operations research, information assurance, process analysis and development, research and development, and program management. Our founders have combined experience in the areas of logistics, command-and-control, chemo- and bio-informatics, analytics, business process management, and education systems.

Black Hill Systems, LLC believes that the development of tools to resolve logistic, business, and scientific issues should not be the limiting factor in moving business processes forward. When tasked with a problem, our team moves forward with a solution. Our agile approach means that there are no "ramp-up" periods or multi-year waits for the delivery of functional applications. Since the algorithms and development tools typically already exist to provide rapid development of user interfaces, there is no reason that customers should pay exorbitant amounts of money to manage their data. The days of trying to fit unique problems into cost-limiting, uncustomizable, off-the-shelf software packages are over.

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