This collection of functions acts to produce output in specific formats or control structures.
Render HTML Controls:
render_textarea($html_args:array, $value:string)
render_popup($name:string, $selected_option:string, $options:array of hash, $null_option:boolean, $style_arg:string, $onChange:string, $disabled:boolean)
render_multiselect($name:string, $selected_options:array, $options:array of hash, $number_rows:string, $multiselect:boolean, $style:string, $onchange_args:string, $disable_control:boolean)
Render General Input and Output:
lms_print_r($variable:any) [print the objects in HTML format for debugging purposes]
lmsecho($value:string) [htmlentities a value]
decho($value:string) [debug echo]
null_float($value:any) [cast as a float or NULL]
escape_js($value:string) [replace ', \, and \\ in JS]
lms_trim($value:string) [strip escapes and spaces]
csv_trim($string:string) [strip spaces]
csv_encode($data:array) [render hash as pipe-delimited text]
Page Controls and Views:
set_form($action:string, $encoding:string)
render_delete_button($owner_id:integer, $appname:string, $disable:boolean) [show a delete button if the user has the priv]
render_button_bar($width:string, $owner_id:integer, $appname:string, $disable:boolean) [if this is an object that is "owned" by a single user, pass that owner_id and the name of the app so that the system can determine if a delete button should be shown]
render_pagination_bar($current_page:integer, $total_pages:integer, $total_rows:integer, $goToPage:boolean, $showGoToPage:boolean)
auto_render_list($data:MouseObject, $list:array of hash, $printable:boolean, $links:array of hash, $title: string)
auto_render_view($data:MouseObject, $title:string, $width:string, $links:array of hash)
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