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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_prev() (line 775 of /home/blackh31/public_html/BLACKHILL/modules/book/book.module).

Global Variables and Functions

Global Variables

$g_obj contains the instantiated Page Object.  The $g_obj global variable is only used by to add Errors and Messages to the Page Object and must never be exposed to unvalidated user input.

$g_user_object contains the instantiated User Object.  The $g_user_object global variable is only used to hold user information and must never be exposed to user input.

$DEBUG is a global variable which, when set to 1, emits debugging text to the screen.

Global Functions

lms_get_env_var($key:string) [pull the dot-delimited environment variable from config.php]

lms_get_page_object($appname:string) [retrieves the Page Object if you need a clean copy instead of using the populated $g_obj]

my_redirect($resource:string) [adds an immediate redirect to a page on the local server; useful in pre_render if you need to take someone to a new page after form entry]

lms_get_groups() [returns an array of hashes holding information about all the Luminous user groups]

lms_mimetype($extension:string, $mimetype:string) [given a file extension or a mimetype, return a hash containing both the extension and the mimetype]

lms_get_menu_data() [retrieve all of the information used to generate the menus]

lms_array_match($patterns:array, $target:string, $optional_replace_value:string) [given an array of regex patterns, see if a match occurs in the target; optionally replace the pattern]

hash_search_array($needle:array of hashes, $haystack:array of array of hashes) [search an array with an array of hashes to get the array key for a matching hash in the haystack]

lms_gen_rand_str($length:integer) [generate a random alphanumeric of specific length]

lms_crypt($s:string, $salt:string) [produce a salted crypto string]

lms_uuid() [generates a version 4 Universally Unique Identifier]

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