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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2396 of /home/blackh31/public_html/BLACKHILL/includes/


Creative Commons 2.0; Flickr.comBlack Hill Systems, LLC specializes in providing expertise in the areas of systems and software engineering, operations research, research and development, information assurance, process analysis and development, and program management. Our staff are seasoned professionals with experience within both the commercial and government sectors. Our teams work to remain on the leading edge of technological innovation while working strategically with our customers to maximize the use of their existing resources and to evolve where necessary. This allows our customers to focus their investment where it truly matters.

Our engineers develop secure solutions to solve specialized requirements. They provide architectural engineering, systems integration, and full life cycle support. Our data scientists are experience in providing data architectures, models, and analytics in pharmaceutical and logistics environments. All of our engineers utilize Agile methods and principles to maximize customer inclusion during the entire systems engineering process.

Systems Engineering
Configuration Management Operations Research Performance Engineering
CM Planning and Management Network, Resource Optimization Service Level Management
Configuration Identification Assignment Solutions Capacity Management
Configuration Control Supply Chain Management Problem Management
Configuration Status Accounting Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning Trend Analysis
Configuration Auditing Automation
Program Management Proposal Development Reliability Engineering
Scheduling Cost Benefit Analysis Mission Readiness Analysis
Critical Path Analysis Risk Analysis System Diagnostics Design
Workforce Management Requirement Analysis and Translation Predictive/Preventive Maintenance
Program Life Cycle and Process Management Acquisition Management Component Stress Analysis
Portfolio Management Reliability Testing
Risk Management Security Engineering Software Engineering
Risk Identification Security Analysis and Planning Interface (UI, Service, Firmware, etc.) Design
Risk Assessment Secure Coding and Networking Software Development and Maintenance
Risk Treatment Security Testing Unit, Behavioral, and Witness Testing
Risk Avoidance Analysis Security Economics Analysis Cloud, Cluster, Container Integration
Risk Optimization Information Security Implementation Quality Management

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