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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_prev() (line 775 of /home/blackh31/public_html/BLACKHILL/modules/book/book.module).


Setting the global variable $DEBUG above the class declaration will provide significant feedback below the webpage's Footer. If $DEBUG is set at this level, any pages loaded after it by the system will also have its debugging activated. $DEBUG may also be set in cgi-bin/settings.php.

As an example:

PHP parsed this page in 0.349 seconds.
PHP used 1,108 KB at peak emalloc usage.
PHP used 1,311 KB at peak memory usage.

PHP has loaded the following files to render this page: Array ( [0] => C:\LMS\LIMS\cgi-bin\default.php [1] => C:\LMS\LIMS\cgi-bin\settings.php [2] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Objects.php [3] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Mouse.php [4] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Mouse-SubType.php [5] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Mouse-Attribute.php [6] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Mouse-SubTypes.php [7] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\DB.php [8] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Page.php [9] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\FilterPage.php [10] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\System.php [11] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\User.php [12] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Validation.php [13] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\Render.php [14] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\admin\audit.php [15] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\admin\data\audit.php [16] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\objects\admin\view\audit.php [17] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\page.php [18] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\header.php [19] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\titlebar.php [20] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\menubar.php [21] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\messages.php [22] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\errors.php [23] => C:\LMS\LIMS\lib\std\footer.php

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