As an example of the second method, the following Mouse Object occupies a single file, but has several methods which are called by the respective Page class in order to render the respective view. When the constructor is called, a basic Mouse Object is instantiated.
class MessageDB extends DB {
function __construct() {
message_id => array(isa => 'int'),
subject => array(name => 'Subject',
isa => 'Str32'),
message => array(isa => 'Text'),
from_user_id => array(name => 'From',
isa => 'int'),
to_user_id => array(name => 'To',
isa => 'int'),
sent_date_time => array(name => 'Time Sent',
isa => 'DateTime',
order => 'desc'),
read_date_time => array(isa => 'DateTime')
When the Viewer page class calls the set_view_options() method, the Mouse Object is modified to reflect the needs of the Viewer page.
function set_view_options() {
//modify the join option of the message_id attribute
$message_id->join = array(where => "lms_message.message_id = " . $this->get_message_id());
$subject->name = "";
$message->row = 2;
$message->col = 1;
$message->name = "Message";
$from_user_id->join = array(table => 'lms_user lu_from',
column => 'lu_from.username',
where => 'lu_from.user_id = lms_message.from_user_id');
$from_user_id->row = 1;
$from_user_id->col = 1;
$to_user_id->join = array(table => 'lms_user lu_to',
column => 'lu_to.username',
where => 'lu_to.user_id = lms_message.to_user_id');
$to_user_id->row = 1;
$to_user_id->col = 2;
$sent_date_time->row = 3;
$sent_date_time->col = 1;
$read_date_time->row = 3;
$read_date_time->col = 2;
$read_date_time->name = "Time Read";
function set_list_options() {
// modify the Mouse Attribute "subject" to properly render the list
//message_id is in the 0th array position of this MOUSE object
$subject->link = function($data) {return('default.php?appname=message-view&message_id=' . $data[0]);};
// modify the Mouse user_id Attributes in order to render the user lists
$from_user_id->join = array(table => 'lms_user lu_from',
column => 'lu_from.username',
where => 'lu_from.user_id = lms_message.from_user_id');
$to_user_id->join = array(table => 'lms_user lu_to',
column => 'lu_to.username',
where => 'lu_to.user_id = lms_message.to_user_id');
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