Steps to create a new page:
1) Insert entry into the lms_app table.
INSERT IGNORE INTO lms_app (NAME, module, constructor, proper_name, GLOBAL)
VALUES ('url-ref', 'objects/dir/file.php', 'Class', 'Name to Show on Page', 'global_variable');
2) Insert an entry into the lms_menu table.
INSERT IGNORE INTO lms_menu (NAME, url, hierarchy, groups, description, visible)
VALUES ('Audits', '/cgi-bin/default.php?appname=audit', '90.25',
(SELECT group_id FROM lms_group WHERE groupname IN ('Master Administrator')),
'The system audit log menu', 1);
3) Insert an entry into the lms_app_group table (if the page being created is only available to certain groups)
INSERT IGNORE INTO lms_app_group (NAME, group_id)
VALUES ('audit',
(SELECT group_id FROM lms_group WHERE groupname IN ('Master Administrator')));
4) Add a root .php file to the objects subdirectory (eg. objects/dir/file.php)
<?php include_once("objects/admin/data/audit.php"); include_once("objects/admin/view/audit.php"); ?>
5) Add a data .php file to the data subdirectory (eg. objects/dir/data/file.php)
<?php class NameDB extends DB {
function __construct() {
$this->has(array( ... ));
6) Add a page .php file to the view subdirectory (eg. objects/dir/view/file.php)
<?php class Name extends Page {
function __construct() {
$this->data = new NameDB();
function body() {
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