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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_prev() (line 775 of /home/blackh31/public_html/BLACKHILL/modules/book/book.module).

URI Modifiers


When “&json=1” is added to a URL whose code behind executes a Mouse "read_" or "list_" Reflection method, a JSON string representing the corresponding data is presented instead of the usual user interface.


When “&csv=1” is added to a URL whose code behind executes a Mouse "read_" or "list_" Reflection method, a pipe ("|") delimited string representing the corresponding data is presented instead of the usual user interface.


When “&print=1” is added to a URL whose code behind executes a Mouse "read_" or "list_" Reflection method, data paging is disabled in order to permit visualization of all data. Note that this should be used wisely as slow or very large queries could adversely affect rendering of the page or availability of the database. A SQL LIMIT should be used in the object join if this is a possibility.

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