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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2396 of /home/blackh31/public_html/BLACKHILL/includes/


Black Hill Systems, LLC maintains policies to guide its employees with respect to standards of conduct expected in areas where improper activities could damage the Company's reputation and otherwise result in serious adverse consequences to the Company, its Customers, and to employees involved. The purpose of our policies are to affirm, in a comprehensive statement, required standards of conduct and practices with respect to our Company’s business.

Black Hill Systems, LLC always practices the highest ethical standards. We take personal responsibility for our actions and we treat everyone fairly and with trust and respect. We strive for continuous quality improvement in all that we do, so that we become recognized as the premier in customer and employee satisfaction. We recognize our strength and our competitive advantage is and always will be our people. The Company strives to continually learn and share ideas and knowledge. We encourage cooperative efforts at every level and across all activities in our company. We value the skills, strengths, and perspectives of our diverse team and encourage frequent open and honest debate. We foster a participatory workplace that enables people to be involved in making decisions about their work.

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