These instructions require the ICEcoder Docker install ( to have already been completed.
Download SVG-edit from and place it in a folder.
In that same folder,
$ touch Dockerfile
and fill it with the following instructions:
# ICEcoder-SVGEdit Server
# Version 0.1
FROM icecoder:latest
MAINTAINER Last Mile Synergy, LLC
ADD ./ /opt/
RUN unzip /opt/ -d /var/www/
RUN chmod -R 777 /var/www/svg-edit
CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
Then, create the Docker image and fire up a container:
$ docker build -rm -t icecoder-svgedit .
$ docker run -d -p icecoder-svgedit
Now, log into ICEcoder and copy the file svg-edit/svg-editor.html to svg-edit/index.html. Edit the file to add:
<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/ext-server_opensave.js"></script>
after the text: "<!-- you can load extensions here -->".
Then, within the file svg-edit/svg-editor.js, add 'ext-server_opensave.js' to the extensions array within the curConfig hash:
curConfig = {
canvasName: 'default',
canvas_expansion: 3,
dimensions: [640,480],
initFill: {
color: 'FF0000', // solid red
opacity: 1
initStroke: {
width: 5,
color: '000000', // solid black
opacity: 1
initOpacity: 1,
imgPath: 'images/',
langPath: 'locale/',
extPath: 'extensions/',
jGraduatePath: 'jgraduate/images/',
extensions: ['ext-markers.js','ext-connector.js', 'ext-eyedropper.js', 'ext-shapes.js', 'ext-imagelib.js','ext-grid.js','ext-server_opensave.js'],
initTool: 'select',
wireframe: false,
colorPickerCSS: null,
gridSnapping: false,
gridColor: "#000",
baseUnit: 'px',
snappingStep: 10,
showRulers: true
Now, you should be able to go to http://localhost/svg-edit and begin editing SVG and PNG images.
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