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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_prev() (line 775 of /home/blackh31/public_html/BLACKHILL/modules/book/book.module).

Framework Installation

[Note: these instructions assume you are using the Apache Web Server. If you are using a different web server, you will need to customize the .htaccess directives to accommodate it.]

Obtain the MOUSE Framework and extract its contents. The FRAMEWORK folder contains the MOUSE infrastructure; the CLEAN_APP folder contains the (mostly empty) folders that you customize for your own purposes. Place the FRAMEWORK and CLEAN_APP contents within your web server's folder so that the final structure looks like:

app-bin -- folder where you will place executable binaries (if any)
app-bkg -- folder where you will place background processes (if any)
app-lib -- folder where you will write your application-specific user interface
app-schema -- folder where you will place your application-specific SQL
htdocs -- folder where you will write javascript code, place images, etc.
perl -- folder where you will write background perl scripts (if any)
htaccess.txt -- change this file to .htaccess on your web server

Change the filename of htaccess.txt to .htaccess. Create a new file within the cgi-bin directory called config.php and add the following contents to it:

;<?php die();
conn = DBI:mysql:dbtable:
db = dbtable
host =
pwd = dbpassword
user = dbuser
conn = DBI:mysql:dbtable:
db = dbtable
host =
pwd = dbpassword
user = dbuser
dir = /home/ubuntu/workspace/app-lib
frmwrk = /home/ubuntu/workspace/lib
tools = /home/ubuntu/workspace/app-bkg/bin/

Update the contents of this file to reflect your system's configuration. Make sure the permissions on the config.php file are Admin Read Only (chmod 400 config.php). Depending on your configuration, you may need to set this to Admin and Group Read Only.

Import the clean_structure_and_data.sql, lms_functions.sql, and lms_sprocs.sql files into your MySQL instance. Then, do the same for any SQL files contained within the version directories (e.g., v2.0).

The default username and password for the administrative account are "administrator" and "password", respectively.

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